On t.v. there are 12 and 13 year olds wearing more make-up than I am! I see these Disney shows and Nickelodeon shows with little teeny-boppers wearing so much make-up that they look like they’re about to perform on a dance pole. Whatever happened to looking like a teenager? They’re 12 years YOUNG and already hiding the way they look behind make-up.
It seems that when girls are young they try to look older and when they are old they try to look younger but why? Doesn’t anybody enjoy the age that they’re at anymore?
I didn’t obsess about looking older when I was a youngster. I embraced it, I wreaked havoc, I acted like a child and just blamed all my stupidity on my age. I took advantage of every childish moment I could have and lived for the fun and carefree moments I could have before reaching adult-hood. But youngsters are so obsessed with looking older, where is the fun in that?
Then you have the 20-30 year olds that are already stressing about not looking young enough or not wearing enough make-up to cover this or that. I swear most of the girls I see wearing make-up look like they have porcelain faces. They’re literally turning into freakin dolls! Some girls would hear me say that and be so ecstatic at the thought that they look that perfect but to me it’s not a compliment, it’s an insult. I swear I see girls that have bags full of product and make-up tools and who know what else that they CANNOT live without! I know a girl who uses at least 8 products just to “PREPARE” her skin before applying her make-up….SERIOUSLY???? I am afraid to see what these girls look like with nothing on…no make-up to hide behind…nothing but their own skin.
I may not look glamorous, my skin is nowhere near flawless but I look like me. I am happy to know that at the end of the day when I wash my face I look exactly the same as I did before. I don’t need to hide behind anything. I own 2 pieces of make-up which I don’t find the need to put on every day. I don’t always love the way I look but I love who I am and I don’t need to hide behind a “porcelain mask” to look good.