Wednesday, June 20, 2012

There is this episode of “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” that has always stuck with me because of this scene where a girl takes off all these fake items and Will Smith is just disgusted by it. It makes you think how women are just fake and phony.


It is amazing how going to the drug store and buying a few things, you can change who you are into a totally different person! You can change your hair color, add hair extensions to give it a different look, cover your face with the various make-up products there are, add fake eyelashes, change your eye color with contacts, push up bras to make you look “plumper”, stick on finger nails etc…

Why is it women are so obsessed with looking like Barbie dolls? Whatever happened to natural beauty? Doesn’t anyone want to look like themselves anymore? Everyone is too busy chasing after this fake image of beauty, nobody realizes that no person REALLY looks like that...

Don't get me wrong, I can't live without my eyeliner! It's the one thing I wear on a daily basis but I still keep it simple. I don't overdue my face with make-up or wear fake hair, nails, contacts etc... I understand sometimes it's fun to dress up and look different but not on a daily basis. I'd rather just look like plain old me.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Appreciate the little things in life...

We as human beings easily get side tracked by pretty shiny things. We want to live the best life possible. We want the coolest car, the nicest house, the 2 bedroom closet that looks like you have a store in your house, the mounds of money to go on trips and buy whatever the hell we want etc...

But how often do we stop and think, "I am so lucky for all I have. In fact I have too much." NEVER!!!! ha ha

The past 3 years have been a real challenge for me! My husband lost his job due to the economy crashing, we got into a crazy amount of debt trying to keep our apartment with the thought that he'd find work soon, had to sale our car, had to move into a room because we couldn't afford anything and ended up having to start over.

I have gone crazy with stress over how to make things work. My relationship struggled because I let finances stress me out and lost site of the important thing in life...LOVE!

While my husband has not been able to find a job, he has never stopped loving me, consoling me, and being the greatest dad in the world! He knows I love him and forgives easily when I freak out about him spending a few dollars to buy our son a burger while their out. He comforts me with reassuring words and even though it upsets me to here him be so confident while I am so unsure of things....I know he's right. He is what makes me so humble.

I have always been a worry wart. He lives carefree with the thought "if we have it great but if we don't than oh well!" While I sit to the side crying about not having our own place, not being able to do more things or go out more with our son. He reminds me not to overlook the little things like the fact that at least one of us has a job, we have our awesome son and we are lucky enough to have a place to sleep and food to eat.

Working with low income families you learn just how little a person can get by on. I've had families of 6 that are staying in a room with no furniture and making less than $6,000 a year and yet here I am complaining about not having my own place! We all need to step back and look at what we have and learn to give more to others. Have an extra $5? Grab a sandwich and give it to the first homeless person you see. Donate that extra $20 to an organization you believe in. Make a difference in someone else's life and make them see that things will get better one day at a time...