Why can’t we all be as happy as babies?
Babies are so accepting and loving. They are always smiling for silly things, always content with the smallest of things like playing with a spoon. They are happy to let us hug them, squish them, smother them with love and warmth and kiss them all over!
So why can’t we continue to be like that as we grow? Why do we need to become self conscious about how much affection we give or show one another? Why can’t we just give affection? I think everyone would be way happier and excited if we were all nice to each other and showed more love to one another. I never see people smiling anymore. Everyone is so serious, so grumpy, so stressed!
Ah to be a baby and just smile all day, and be loved!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Top 3 things I hate about women...
Woman sit here and obsess over the minutes in a day and how to get the most things done. We redo our list over and over in our head making sure we've made sure to mentally write everything down and making sure to emphasize on how much time and by when we want to accomplish it. We drive ourselves MAD with all the lists and re-listing and rethinking and stressing!
So why do we do it? Why do we sit here and make lists about stupid things like remembering to watch an episode of t.v. or making sure to look through a magazine or updating our Facebook 20 times a day! If we don't have time to do it and don't remember to do it who cares? Obviously the show wasn't that good if I didn't remember to watch it, the magazine must have been boring if I'm not waiting at the mail box to get it and read it and Facebook does not need to interrupt my thoughts of doing whatever else I am doing! So why think about it?

I don't care who you are, you cannot say you have never been jealous of another girl. We women sit here and obsess about other girls that look better than we do, that have more money than we do, that have better boyfriends than we do, cuter kids etc...
We make up these IDIOTIC reasons for why we don't care to associate with other girls instead of just calling it what it is...JEALOUSY! I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes I meet a new friend of a friend or the girl of one of my husbands friends or whatever, I make these dumb reasons why not to like her. She wears too much make-up, meaning she's prettier than I am and I wish I could do my make-up nice like her. She looks dumb walking around in heels when she's just playing around at home with the kids, meaning I hate that she can pull off heels and still be comfortable enough to run around with her kids. She's always wasting all this money on going out or eating out instead of saving it up and getting something that will last like a car or a mortgage, meaning I hate that I can't splurge like her whenever I feel like it! The list goes on and on....
No matter how badly you treat us, how ungrateful you are, how much you don't deserve us even acknowledging your presence...we will bend over backwards to comfort you.
Every woman has at least one story of a friend, boy-friend, coworker...somebody, that always treated them like crap but for some reason they still sat there and tried to comfort them. Whether it's taking them out to eat/party, buying them gifts, dropping our lives because they are having a bad day...anything! We are all guilty of doing it. There is something within all women that feels the need to take care of others and make them feel better. No matter how much you hurt us, we are always somehow forgiving when we see others in pain. We forgive and we forget when someone hurts, our immediate response is to attempt to heel what's broken. Too bad not everyone deserves that kind of love!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Saying hello to privacy....
I read an article earlier on the thoughts of when we should stop allowing our kids to see us naked. I immediately LOVED the topic because it's one that has a lot of different feedback.
Coming from a Mexican background this topic NEVER comes up. I can say even to this day my old lady will pee in front of me, change her underwear in front of me, hell she'd probably even take a shower with me if I let her. Mexicans aren't really touchy about that whole thing. To my Vieja it's idiotic to think that you can't change your shirt in front of your kids, after all they were fed from your naked breasts and came from inside your very own body! Why would it be weird?
Well it is weird...for me anyway! Everyone has their own feelings or thoughts on the subject but hey, this is about my opinion. You ARE reading MY blog right? ha ha
I used to take showers with my son and never thought twice about being naked in front of him but for me once he could balance himself well enough to stand up and sit down in the tub, he was old enough to stop seeing mommy naked. When he was somewhere around 1 and a half to 2 years old I stopped letting him see "momma's goods". For me being naked in front of your kids is only out of necessity. You show a boob to feed a hungry child, get naked to shower with him in the tub, or change in front of him because you need to keep an eye on him at the same time.
I don't change in front of my son or shower with him. I don't look at it as bad but it is uncomfortable because once they get to 2 or 3 years old they are much more aware of things. You being naked in front of them gives them the impression that it's ok and then they start getting naked with other kids or talking about mommies boobs or butt etc...My son is too young to be asking questions about why mommy has boobs and daddy doesn't or where mommy's "winky" is? ha ha
Plus who wants to find out their kid was talking to other kids or grown ups about how mommy or daddy look naked or how mommy's boobs are bigger than theirs or...It just opens up a door into awkward questions, embarrassing comments and memories you will never forget! We had one preschooler who drew a picture of his bath time with mommy and daddy. Well daddy happened to have 3 "LEGS", or so we thought! The child made sure to explain that the third "leg" was NOT a leg! That's going to be fun to talk about come parent-teacher conference time! ha ha ha
It's important to teach a child about privacy and safety. We need to teach them that their bodies are only for them and their parents to see. That mommy and daddy's body are only for them to see and that he shouldn't be getting undressed with other kids or adults. This also helps open the door into inappropriate touching from others. This way you can help him understand that nobody else should be touching his private areas but him, mommy or daddy.
I know at 3 years old my son may not understand about inappropriate touching or private areas but it's important to start somewhere. For me it starts with my son not seeing me naked and teaching him not to be naked in front of others. Then maybe in another year I can explain private parts and "bad" touching versus "okay" touching.
Coming from a Mexican background this topic NEVER comes up. I can say even to this day my old lady will pee in front of me, change her underwear in front of me, hell she'd probably even take a shower with me if I let her. Mexicans aren't really touchy about that whole thing. To my Vieja it's idiotic to think that you can't change your shirt in front of your kids, after all they were fed from your naked breasts and came from inside your very own body! Why would it be weird?
Well it is weird...for me anyway! Everyone has their own feelings or thoughts on the subject but hey, this is about my opinion. You ARE reading MY blog right? ha ha
I used to take showers with my son and never thought twice about being naked in front of him but for me once he could balance himself well enough to stand up and sit down in the tub, he was old enough to stop seeing mommy naked. When he was somewhere around 1 and a half to 2 years old I stopped letting him see "momma's goods". For me being naked in front of your kids is only out of necessity. You show a boob to feed a hungry child, get naked to shower with him in the tub, or change in front of him because you need to keep an eye on him at the same time.
I don't change in front of my son or shower with him. I don't look at it as bad but it is uncomfortable because once they get to 2 or 3 years old they are much more aware of things. You being naked in front of them gives them the impression that it's ok and then they start getting naked with other kids or talking about mommies boobs or butt etc...My son is too young to be asking questions about why mommy has boobs and daddy doesn't or where mommy's "winky" is? ha ha
Plus who wants to find out their kid was talking to other kids or grown ups about how mommy or daddy look naked or how mommy's boobs are bigger than theirs or...It just opens up a door into awkward questions, embarrassing comments and memories you will never forget! We had one preschooler who drew a picture of his bath time with mommy and daddy. Well daddy happened to have 3 "LEGS", or so we thought! The child made sure to explain that the third "leg" was NOT a leg! That's going to be fun to talk about come parent-teacher conference time! ha ha ha
It's important to teach a child about privacy and safety. We need to teach them that their bodies are only for them and their parents to see. That mommy and daddy's body are only for them to see and that he shouldn't be getting undressed with other kids or adults. This also helps open the door into inappropriate touching from others. This way you can help him understand that nobody else should be touching his private areas but him, mommy or daddy.
I know at 3 years old my son may not understand about inappropriate touching or private areas but it's important to start somewhere. For me it starts with my son not seeing me naked and teaching him not to be naked in front of others. Then maybe in another year I can explain private parts and "bad" touching versus "okay" touching.
Monday, January 9, 2012
The fun in simplicity...
Growing up there were lots of things that I thought were normal and then the older I got and the more friends I got to know, the more I realized my life was kind of out of the ordinary.
I always thought my house was oober normal! I thought having 9 siblings was normal but then I saw the faces on people when I’d say I had that many siblings and well…it wasn’t so normal after all. Most families had between 1 and 3 kids and here I was with triple that amount!
I also thought that being raised by your sisters was normal but apparently parents raise their kids in the U.S. hmmm that one was new for me. I had my brothers and sisters punish me, reprimand me, help with homework, sign my school notes, drive me places etc…
Growing up I never realized how much my parents struggled to keep us all fed, rested and happy. I remember when I was younger me and my twin used to sleep in a closet because we just didn’t have enough room for everyone. They’d lay pillows and blankets on the floor of a walk in closet, close the door, and that was lights out! I always looked at it as being cool! It was my own secret hide-out where nobody came in but me and I would write little messages on the door and create this little wonderland in there. To me it was never depressing or sad it was exciting! I had the best of times in there!
I also remember the Vieja making the most of every meal! We grew up eating beans and rice pretty much every night. We never noticed that the Vieja always served us a crap load of water in the beans to make it last longer or that dinner was some rice and bananas or just the pot of soup she made was basically potatoes and veggies with 4 pieces of chicken so only the first four to eat got the meat. Every meal was filled with bread and tortillas so that you’d get full. My Vieja knew how to make a meal out of anything and we never dared not eat every last bite of it. In our house it was a sin to throw the smallest bite of food away!
We didn't get new toys all the time or these awesome electronics for Christmas presents. Gifts were always clothes with a chocolate bar in one of the pockets or some shoes.
We made our own toys. Slip ‘n Slide?? Nope, we ripped up garbage bags and set the sprinkler and just slid down the bags. Bubble wands? Nope we used dish soap and the lids from salt shakers to make bubbles or we used the fly swatter sometimes too! We made our own sling shots out of a bottle and a balloon. I remember once we used beans instead of rocks to sling at each other and the Vieja was sooo mad! We were trying to play but to her we were throwing away food and she made us search for all the frijoles we'd thrown!
Looking back I sometimes wish things were more normal but at the same time I don't because those days make me appreciate my brothers and sister and parents. I appreciate every moment they made creative.
Now I look at my family and all the creativity is gone. People are stuck on Playstations and Iphones and Laptops and big screen t.v.'s. Nobody is out building a sling shot or making a Slip 'n Slide. Everything is too easy, every memory is bought rather than created....
I always thought my house was oober normal! I thought having 9 siblings was normal but then I saw the faces on people when I’d say I had that many siblings and well…it wasn’t so normal after all. Most families had between 1 and 3 kids and here I was with triple that amount!
I also thought that being raised by your sisters was normal but apparently parents raise their kids in the U.S. hmmm that one was new for me. I had my brothers and sisters punish me, reprimand me, help with homework, sign my school notes, drive me places etc…
Growing up I never realized how much my parents struggled to keep us all fed, rested and happy. I remember when I was younger me and my twin used to sleep in a closet because we just didn’t have enough room for everyone. They’d lay pillows and blankets on the floor of a walk in closet, close the door, and that was lights out! I always looked at it as being cool! It was my own secret hide-out where nobody came in but me and I would write little messages on the door and create this little wonderland in there. To me it was never depressing or sad it was exciting! I had the best of times in there!
I also remember the Vieja making the most of every meal! We grew up eating beans and rice pretty much every night. We never noticed that the Vieja always served us a crap load of water in the beans to make it last longer or that dinner was some rice and bananas or just the pot of soup she made was basically potatoes and veggies with 4 pieces of chicken so only the first four to eat got the meat. Every meal was filled with bread and tortillas so that you’d get full. My Vieja knew how to make a meal out of anything and we never dared not eat every last bite of it. In our house it was a sin to throw the smallest bite of food away!
We didn't get new toys all the time or these awesome electronics for Christmas presents. Gifts were always clothes with a chocolate bar in one of the pockets or some shoes.
We made our own toys. Slip ‘n Slide?? Nope, we ripped up garbage bags and set the sprinkler and just slid down the bags. Bubble wands? Nope we used dish soap and the lids from salt shakers to make bubbles or we used the fly swatter sometimes too! We made our own sling shots out of a bottle and a balloon. I remember once we used beans instead of rocks to sling at each other and the Vieja was sooo mad! We were trying to play but to her we were throwing away food and she made us search for all the frijoles we'd thrown!
Looking back I sometimes wish things were more normal but at the same time I don't because those days make me appreciate my brothers and sister and parents. I appreciate every moment they made creative.
Now I look at my family and all the creativity is gone. People are stuck on Playstations and Iphones and Laptops and big screen t.v.'s. Nobody is out building a sling shot or making a Slip 'n Slide. Everything is too easy, every memory is bought rather than created....
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
New Year - New Me...
I started this year obsessing over what my resolution would be, I didn't want to make a goal for my life because then I just obsess and end up getting all worked up and never doing it. Then come the end of the year I feel like a loser for not accomplishing it.
So this year I made three simple goals:
1. I will stop focusing on what I don't have and focus more on what I DO have.
I need to stop obsessing over not having a husband who sweeps me off my feet and takes care of me, my dream classic car, a picture perfect family etc...I should be thankful thatI have a husband who loves me, a car that hasn't broken down on me, at least one sister that is true family and so much more!
2. I won't let what happened yesterday stop me from accomplishing my goals today.
I always think because I didn't exercise yesterday, why exercise today, I will just start fresh next week. Or if I didn't get around to saving as much money as I wanted to this paycheck, I will just spend it and start fresh next paycheck. It's always next time because of some stupid little thing.
3. I will write a blog and take at least one picture every week of what inspired me or made me happy!
This will make me appreciate what I have and make me thankful. Also I can work on my writing skills, writing used to be my favorite thing to do.
So this is day one! Hopefully I keep on it and my world gets that much brighter <3
So this year I made three simple goals:
1. I will stop focusing on what I don't have and focus more on what I DO have.
I need to stop obsessing over not having a husband who sweeps me off my feet and takes care of me, my dream classic car, a picture perfect family etc...I should be thankful thatI have a husband who loves me, a car that hasn't broken down on me, at least one sister that is true family and so much more!
2. I won't let what happened yesterday stop me from accomplishing my goals today.
I always think because I didn't exercise yesterday, why exercise today, I will just start fresh next week. Or if I didn't get around to saving as much money as I wanted to this paycheck, I will just spend it and start fresh next paycheck. It's always next time because of some stupid little thing.
3. I will write a blog and take at least one picture every week of what inspired me or made me happy!
This will make me appreciate what I have and make me thankful. Also I can work on my writing skills, writing used to be my favorite thing to do.
So this is day one! Hopefully I keep on it and my world gets that much brighter <3
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