Woman sit here and obsess over the minutes in a day and how to get the most things done. We redo our list over and over in our head making sure we've made sure to mentally write everything down and making sure to emphasize on how much time and by when we want to accomplish it. We drive ourselves MAD with all the lists and re-listing and rethinking and stressing!
So why do we do it? Why do we sit here and make lists about stupid things like remembering to watch an episode of t.v. or making sure to look through a magazine or updating our Facebook 20 times a day! If we don't have time to do it and don't remember to do it who cares? Obviously the show wasn't that good if I didn't remember to watch it, the magazine must have been boring if I'm not waiting at the mail box to get it and read it and Facebook does not need to interrupt my thoughts of doing whatever else I am doing! So why think about it?

I don't care who you are, you cannot say you have never been jealous of another girl. We women sit here and obsess about other girls that look better than we do, that have more money than we do, that have better boyfriends than we do, cuter kids etc...
We make up these IDIOTIC reasons for why we don't care to associate with other girls instead of just calling it what it is...JEALOUSY! I am not ashamed to admit that sometimes I meet a new friend of a friend or the girl of one of my husbands friends or whatever, I make these dumb reasons why not to like her. She wears too much make-up, meaning she's prettier than I am and I wish I could do my make-up nice like her. She looks dumb walking around in heels when she's just playing around at home with the kids, meaning I hate that she can pull off heels and still be comfortable enough to run around with her kids. She's always wasting all this money on going out or eating out instead of saving it up and getting something that will last like a car or a mortgage, meaning I hate that I can't splurge like her whenever I feel like it! The list goes on and on....
No matter how badly you treat us, how ungrateful you are, how much you don't deserve us even acknowledging your presence...we will bend over backwards to comfort you.
Every woman has at least one story of a friend, boy-friend, coworker...somebody, that always treated them like crap but for some reason they still sat there and tried to comfort them. Whether it's taking them out to eat/party, buying them gifts, dropping our lives because they are having a bad day...anything! We are all guilty of doing it. There is something within all women that feels the need to take care of others and make them feel better. No matter how much you hurt us, we are always somehow forgiving when we see others in pain. We forgive and we forget when someone hurts, our immediate response is to attempt to heel what's broken. Too bad not everyone deserves that kind of love!
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