Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nightmares of a preschool office...

Thanks goes out to the two ladies that decided to come in today and let their kids run wild, we really appreciate you ignoring your kid as they break the blinds off the window. We especially loved how you laughed as you handed us the the broken blind and exclaimed "oh ha ha ha he broke this"....Seriously just because this is a preschool office doesn't mean you can let your kids run wild and break our stuff.

What is it with parents coming into our preschool office and ignoring their kids? I've had kids run out and I have to tell the parents to look up from the paper they're filling out and go get the kid from the parking lot! I mean just because we are a preschool site doesn't mean you can come and ignore your kids and we are going to watch them, this is still a place of business.

I also hate the parents that let their kids run wild and throw every single toy out of the bin, box or cubby....then when they want to go they just yell at their kids to hurry up and don't even worry about making their kids clean up the mess. Not to mention the fact that you just let them throw half of their snack on our rug and don't worry about picking up the damn wrappers.

But what REALLY gets to me, what I REALLY can't help but laugh insanely at...is when parents come in all pissed off because their kids weren't accepted. One lady came in ready to cuss me out because I barely told her last week that her kid wasn't eligible for our program. How dare I make her wait a month and a half to find out her kid didn't qualify. What is she supposed to do now???

A word of advice to parents:
         Preschool is not mandatory. It's like College, schools can always say NO to you. So do yourself a favor and apply EVERYWHERE! Don't just wait on one school cus you'll end up screwed"

Also to those 2 parents I had come in to complain about their kids not being "poor enough" as they call it, all while they drove up in a freakin HUMMER! Really lady!?!

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