Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year - New Me...

I started this year obsessing over what my resolution would be, I didn't want to make a goal for my life because then I just obsess and end up getting all worked up and never doing it. Then come the end of the year I feel like a loser for not accomplishing it.

So this year I made three simple goals:

1. I will stop focusing on what I don't have and focus more on what I DO have.
I need to stop obsessing over not having a husband who sweeps me off my feet and takes care of me, my dream classic car, a picture perfect family etc...I should be thankful thatI have a husband who loves me, a car that hasn't broken down on me, at least one sister that is true family and so much more!

2. I won't let what happened yesterday stop me from accomplishing my goals today.
I always think because I didn't exercise yesterday, why exercise today, I will just start fresh next week. Or if I didn't get around to saving as much money as I wanted to this paycheck, I will just spend it and start fresh next paycheck. It's always next time because of some stupid little thing.

3. I will write a blog and take at least one picture every week of what inspired me or made me happy!
This will make me appreciate what I have and make me thankful. Also I can work on my writing skills, writing used to be my favorite thing to do.

So this is day one! Hopefully I keep on it and my world gets that much brighter <3

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